Robert’s Profile
Welcome to Robert Poole Camera Work.
Why ‘Camera Work’? This was a journal published by Alfred Stieglitz, a giant of photography, from 1903 to 1917. Stieglitz wholly controlled the journal and wrote ‘Camera Work owes allegiance to no organization or clique’ and ‘reproductions of photographic work must be made with exceptional care and discretion if the spirit of the originals is to be retained, though no reproductions can do full justice to the subtleties of some photographs.’ Exactly.
I make photographs and original prints. To me, the photograph is defined as a photographic image, whether it is on film, paper, or a digital file. It can be shared online and still be a photograph; the same can’t be said, however, for a print.
A print is a different entity entirely. I can lift it up or hang it on a wall, let it reflect or absorb light, direct or glancing, dull or bright. I can purchase one or gift one. They are tactile, tangible; the paper possesses colour and texture, like our skin: it lives.
I offer my prints for sale, whether they be in silver-gelatin, platinum-palladium, or gold (chrysotypes), or spectacular colour prints made with the excellent Fujiflex process here in Sheffield. They can be sent unmounted or mounted and matted with archival materials, but all will bear my distinguishing ‘blind stamp’ and full print information. To discuss sizes and prices, please contact me at robertpoolecamerawork@gmail.
A website page can never equal a print, in texture, feel, sheen or nuance, but I hope you enjoy my work, which you can also see me on Instagram @professorrob.